Yukiko Mishima
映画監督 三島有紀子のオフィシャルサイト | Official site of Yukiko Mishima, film director
Yukiko Mishima (Film Maker / Film Director)
She was named by her father, who admired the novelist Yukio Mishima. She began making indie films at the age of 18, and after graduating from university, she joined NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). At NHK, she planned and directed numerous human documentaries following everyday people, including "NHK Special," "ETV Special," and earthquake disaster specials. In 2003, she became a film director to make feature films and worked as a freelance assistant director at Toei Kyoto Studio and other locations. She also participated in a summer workshop with the HB Studio faculty in New York. Her film "Dear Etranger" (2017) won several awards, including the Jury Special Prize at the 41st Montreal World Film Festival, the 41st Yamaji Fumiko Prize for Best Work, and the Best Director Award at the 42nd Hochi Film Awards. It was screened in South Korea, Taiwan, New York, Belgium, the UK, Hong Kong, and other locations. Other notable works include "Bread of Happiness" (2012), "A Stitch of Life" (2015), which was officially invited to the Jeonju International Film Festival, "Night's Tightrope" (2016), and "Shape of Red" (2020). All of her films have been released in South Korea and Taiwan. "Bread of Happiness" was also published as a novel and released in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. "Shape of Red," which incorporates modern women's struggles within a romance and depicts a woman choosing her own path in life, was released in South Korea and Taiwan, and in France, it was nationally released under the title "The HOUSE WIFE (provisional)" (distributed by Art House Films)
In 2021, her short film "Ode to Joy" and "I, Jiro Kawakami of the IMPERIAL" were
screened at the Venice Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival's Master Class, leading to the
organization of "IL MONDO DI YUKIKO MISHIMA" in Venice, Rome, and Naples, where
two feature films and a short film were showcased.
In 2023, the short film "I, Jiro Kawakami of the IMPERIAL" won Best Short at GLOBAL STAGE HOLLYWOOD 2023. "Shape of Red" received the Best International Feature Film Award and Best Actor Award for Satoshi Tsumabuki at the 9th Seattle Film Festival in 2024. Additionally, "Shape of Red" and "I, Jiro Kawakami of the IMPERIAL" earned the Festival Director Award for Best Director, with Yukiko Mishima as the winner. Link
Her highly anticipated latest directorial film is "Voice " for which she wrote the original script and also served as producer. Set across three locations—Naka-jima in Lake Toya, Hachijojima, and Dojima in Osaka—the film powerfully explores themes of "sex and life." It was officially invited to the competition section of the Far East Film Festival held in Udine, Italy, where it filled all 1,200 seats.
All of her films have been released throughout Japan, as well as in South Korea and Taiwan. "Bread of Happiness" (2012), for which she also wrote a novel, was published and sold 200,000 copies each in SouthKorea and Japan.
Yukiko Mishima has directed 10 feature films (7 of which she wrote and directed) and 3 short films. She is currently preparing several feature films.
【Directorial Characteristics】
• Sensitive Depiction: Mishima excels at portraying the inner lives and emotions of her characters. Her films skillfully convey subtle emotional shifts and the complexities of human relationships.
• Social Themes: Her movies frequently address personal lives and relationships while also delving into broader social issues and cultural contexts.
• Visual Beauty: She is known for her attention to visual aesthetics and composition, creating scenes that are visually stunning and carefully crafted.
【Key Works】
"Bread of Happiness" (2012) しあわせのパン
(Cast:Tomoyo Harada / Yo Oizumi / Kimiko Yo / Ken Mitsuishi /Misako Watanabe / Katsuo Nakamura)
・Official Selection, Panorama Section, 2nd Beijing International Film Festival
"A Stitch of Life" (2015) 繕い裁つ人
・Official Selection, World Cinemascape <Spectrum>, 2015 Jeonju International Film Festival
(Cast: Miki Nakatani / Takahiro Miura / Haru Kuroki/Hana Sugisaki / Mei Nagano / Kimiko Yo)
"Night’s Tightrope" (2016) 少女
・Official Selection, JAPAN NOW Section, 29th Tokyo International Film Festival
"Dear Etranger" (2017) 幼な子われらに生まれ
(Cast:Tadanobu Asano / Rena Tanaka / Shinobu Terajima / Kankurō Kudō)
・Jury's Special Prize, World Competition, 41st Montreal World Film Festival
・Official Selection, 18th Jeonju International Film Festival
・Windows on Asia, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
・Opening Film, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival
・Official Selection, 18th Nippon Connection, Frankfurt, Germany
・Official Selection, JAPAN NOW Section, 30th Tokyo International Film Festival
・Selected for “Japan Cinema’s 100 Years,” Japonismes 2018, Paris
・Screened across the UK by the Japan Foundation (Edinburgh, Nottingham, Exeter, London)
・London Masterclass
・Japan Cuts - New York, US
・Screened in Italy (Venice, Rome, Naples) as part of “The World of Yukiko Mishima”
"Shape of Red" (2020) Red
(Cast: Kaho / Satoshi Tsumabuki / Tasuku Emoto / Reiko Kataoka / Kimiko Yo )
・Official Selection, Cinema Fest, 21st Jeonju International Film Festival(South Korea)
・Official Selection, Ghent International Film Festival, Belgium
・Official Selection, 20th Nippon Connection, Frankfurt, Germany
・Official Selection, Japan Cuts - New York, US
・Screened: 12th Venice Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival (Italy, Venice) – Pre-Festival Screening
・Screened in Italy (Venice, Rome, Naples) as part of “The World of Yukiko Mishima”
・Winner: Best International Feature Film Award at the 9th Seattle Film Festival in 2024
・Winner: Best Actor Award for Satoshi Tsumabuki at the 9th Seattle Film Festival in 2024
short film"Ode to Joy" (2021)よろこびのうた
(Cast: Sumiko Fuji / Kisetsu Fujiwara )
・Masterclass, 12th Venice Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival
・Screened in Italy (Venice, Rome, Naples) as part of “The World of Yukiko Mishima”
short film"I, Jiro Kawakami of the IMPERIAL" (2021)インペリアル大阪堂島出入橋
(Cast:Koichi Sato / Keiko Miyata / Shiro Shimomoto / Misa Wada)
・Winner of Best Short at GLOBAL STAGE HOLLYWOOD 2023
・Winner of Best Cinematography , 9th Seattle International Film Festival
・Winner of Festival Director Award, 9th Seattle International Film Festival (Along with "Shape of Red")
"Alone Together" (2023) 東京組曲 2020
・Official Selection, Cinema Fest, 24th Jeonju International Film Festival
"Voice" (2024)一月の声に歓びを刻め
(Cast: Atuko Maeda / Maki Carrousel / Show Aikawa / Ryuta Bando / Reiko Kataoka / Shohei Uno / Kiyo Matsumoto / Maho Toyota)
・Official Selection, Competition Section, 26th Far East Film Festival(Udine)
三島有紀子 (映画監督 / 脚本家)
18歳からインディーズ映画を撮り始め、大学卒業後NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)に入局。「NHKスペシャル」「ETV特集」、震災特集など市井の人々を追う人間ドキュメンタリーを数多く企画・監督。03年に劇映画を撮るために独立し、東映京都撮影所などでフリーの助監督として活動。NYでHBスタジオ講師陣のサマーワークショップを受ける。監督作『幼な子われらに生まれ/ Dear Etranger』(17 年)で、第 41回モントリオール世界映画祭で審査員特別大賞、第 41 回山路ふみ子賞作品賞、第42 回報知映画賞では監督賞など、国内外で多数受賞。韓国、台湾、NY、ベルギー、イギリス、香港など各地で上映。他の代表作として『しあわせのパン/ Bread of Happiness』(2012)、『繕い裁つ人/ A Stich of Life』(2015)全州国際映画祭正式招待、『少女/ Night's Tightrope』(2016)、『Red/Shape of Red』(2020)など。全作品、韓国・台湾で公開されている。『しあわせのパン/ Bread of Happiness』は、小説も上梓し、日本台湾韓国でも出版。ロマンスの中に現代女性の悩みを盛り込み、一人の女性が自分の意志で人生を選択していく姿を描いた『Shape of Red』は、韓国、台湾でも公開、フランスでは全国公開した。2021年イタリアヴェネツィア、ローマ、ナポリにて「三島有紀子の世界」が開催される。2023年、短編『インペリアル大阪堂島出入橋』がGLOBAL STAGE HOLLYWOOD 2023でBEST SHORT受賞。『Red』が、2024年 第9回シアトル国際映画祭にて最優秀作品賞(国際長編部門)/ 最優秀主演男優賞(妻夫木聡)、三島有紀子は、全ての部門においての最優秀監督賞Festival Director Award を受賞している。https://www.viki.com/movies/40287c-shape-of-red?locale=ja
感受性豊かな描写: 人物の内面や感情を細やかに描写することを得意としています。感情の微細な変化や人間関係の複雑さを表現します。
社会的テーマ: 個人の人生や人間関係に加え、社会的な問題や文化的な背景をも扱うことが多いです。
視覚的な美しさと繊細な音作り: 映像美や構図、フレームに写っていない音の表現にもこだわりがあり、視覚的に美しいシーンを作り出します。
-2015全州国際映画祭 World Cinemascape<Spectrum>正式招待
-2016第29回東京国際映画祭JAPAN NOW部門正式招待
-2017第41回モントリオール世界映画祭World Competition審査員特別大賞
- 2017第18回全州映画祭 正式招待
-2017台北金馬映画祭Windows on Aisa
-2017第30回東京国際映画祭JAPAN NOW部門正式招待
-2018第18回ドイツフランクフルトニッポンコネクション 正式招待
-2019パリにて ジャポニズム2018 日本国公式企画 「日本映画の100年」選ばれる。
-2019 Japan Cuts - NewYork US,
-2020第21回韓国全州映画祭正式招待Cinema Fest
-2020ベルギー ゲント国際映画祭、正式招待
-2020第20回ドイツフランクフルトニッポンコネクション 正式招待
-2020 Japan Cuts - NewYork US, 正式招待
-2024 第9回シアトル映画祭 最優秀作品賞(国際長編部門)
-2024 第9回シアトル映画祭 最優秀主演男優賞(国際長編部門)妻夫木聡
Short filmよろこびのうたOde to Joy (2021)
Short filmインペリアル大阪堂島出入橋(2021)
-2024 第9回シアトル映画祭 最優秀監督賞(全部門)
Festival Director Award : Winner Yukiko Mishima ( Redと合わせて)
東京組曲 2020(2023)
-2023第24回韓国全州映画祭正式招待Cinema Fest正式招待
-2024第26回イタリアウディネ・ファーイースト映画祭 コンペティション部門正式招待